Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sorry I've Been Missing!

As some of you know, I've been sick for the last month. I spent five days in the hospital for a lung infection, which has turned into something more than just an infection. I have a lung disease that makes me suseptible to future infections and will need to manage the disease carefully. It's taken time and patience to recover from this round and I'm still very tired and exhausted all the time but I am infection free now! I am thankful for all those who prayed for me and cannot tell you how much your support means to mean. I received many cards and love each and every one of them! Thank you all for caring!

One day very soon I hope to get back to scrapping! I miss it so much!


  1. Let me tell you we have all been really concerned about you, so hearing you are infection free is wonderful. Parise the Lord for His goodness.

    You miss scrapping and we miss seeing your work. Scrapping is relaxing and I know you won't be running around doing too much if you are sitting at your desk...so scrapa way!!

    So glad you are starting to feel like yourself again!!!

  2. Sandi I'm so glad to hear you're infection free! I agree with Barb, scrap away... scrapping can be healing, too. Hugs!

  3. Infection Free! Prayers were answered. I also agree with Barb, you can't get into much trouble sitting at your desk.. maybe in small doses?
    Keep improving. Sending you hugs!
